It’s been a long week. Students were acting up, report cards were due, a colleague took ill unexpectedly, and by Friday I was just…well, exhausted. Tired, you ask? It was beyond that. I was in tears. Well, Coffee being the amazing man he is, suggested I get some rest. I felt so bad about it. It seemed like we hadn’t really spent any time together and here I was going to sleep. Was he upset? Perturbed? Annoyed? Not one bit! He understood what my week had been like and he knew that the best thing for me was a good long rest.
That got me thinking about us, about couples, about having someone to lean on when life gets the better of you. You may be asking “how can I make sure I am being supportive?” Well, I am glad you asked. Get a cup of coffee or tea if you like and settle in.
First, you want to make sure you are emotionally available. Whether your loved one is having a good day or a bad day, just be present. Not only that but be a good listener. Remember my last blog? Listening ears….L-I-S-T-E-N! Your loved one isn’t looking for you to solve a problem. What he/she wants is for you to listen. That is something Coffee does for me. I call him on my commute home (and on my commute to school) and he just listens while I ramble on about my day. At times I realize he hasn’t said anything and I ask if he is still there. He chuckles and tells me that he is listening, giving me time to vent. By the time I pull into the driveway, it’s off my shoulders and out of my mind and I can just enjoy the evening.
Next, be each other’s support system. Even the smallest thing can be HUGE. For example, divide up the household responsibilities. That way neither of you has the weight of it. Trust me…after a long day it helps knowing you don’t have everything waiting at home to be done. Take the laundry. I dread having to tackle that at the end of a busy day. Coffee will have it finished or half way finished by the time I walk in the door. It really helps! Weekends while I let him catch a few extra zzzzz’s I will clean up the dishes. It makes him smile knowing it’s not waiting for him.
It’s not just dividing and conquering! It’s also about celebrating! This week I needed to get the report cards done. Coffee got a notification he had made the Dean’s List. Well now, two great victories! You know what we did? We celebrated! Off to dine at one of our favorite places. Celebrating whether the victory is big or small is showing support.
Lastly, leaning on one another when times get rough. It’s great having someone to talk to, someone who really knows you. But, sometimes you need a little more. Perhaps an outside source. Nothing wrong with seeking additional help. Coffee and I go to each other’s appointments when we can and it really makes a difference having that support.
Being supportive is important in a relationship. It builds trust, resilience, and love. It tells your partner “I am here for you!”
Have a great week my friends!
Love & hugs
Most of the time it is about upmanship:))
You are lucky.
Thank you Seema for commenting. Sadly I have been in relationships where upmanship was happening and it was hurtful. Yes, I am lucky to have found someone like Coffee. I hope you have wonderful people in your life :)
Hope to see comments from you on future blogs!
Cuddles <3